Business Coaching

It’s always been a challenge to establish, grow and maintain a profitable business in South Africa. Statistics show that most start-ups fail within the first 18 months. Only the most resilient survive. We are now in the post-lockdown era, and  those businesses  that survived are finding  their  feet again.

The  basics of any successful business remain the same:

  1. Value creation
  2. Marketing
  3. Sales
  4. Delivery of  the product or service
  5. Finance



Business coaching focuses on these key elements for business success, plus the systems that provide the framework for creating momentum.  

I have worked with a wide range of businesses, from ‘traditional’ businesses like engineering, to  contemporary businesses that harness the power of the world wide web, and those in between, both in South Africa and abroad.  

My coaching approach will include the developing a strategic framework with clear objectives,  plus team and individual coaching to ensure success.  I have a team of capable associates to assist when necessary. 

Engaging a business coach is an investment in the future success of your business.   Experience  shows that the impacts of a  coaching process will include: 

  • Greater cohesion and alignment around the strategic vision and mission. 
  • Enhanced teamwork, collaboration and decision-making. 
  • Smoother systems that support the business processes 
  • Greater profitability. 


The benefit of a Business Coach is their lack of any sentimental attachment to the way things were. A Business Coach provides a dispassionate  perspective on what’s working, not working, and will help you focus on the core essentials of the business and encourage you to let go the things that are not key to the ongoing profitability of the business.

A Business Coach will help you make the tough decisions needed to survive and will hold you to account for those decisions.

Can you afford not to have a Business Coach to help you navigate this next exciting chapter in SA’s economic history?