Enneagram workshops

What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram, the oldest and most profound of all the personality frameworks, opens up a journey of self-discovery for each individual and leads to heightened self-awareness and greater effectiveness personally and as a team.
I’ve used the Enneagram extensively for the past fifteen years working with individuals and teams. It’s the most effective tool in my coaching toolkit for personal growth and for team building.
When we have a clear understanding of who we are we are able to answer the following questions:
- What drives me?
- What is it that has the potential to sabotage my life?
- What is it, that if I did it on a regular basis, would enable me to live and work successfully?

Answers to these and a host of other questions form part of personality workshops in which individuals are given the opportunity to discover themselves, and team members are given an insight into and understanding of their colleagues.
Enneagram Workshops Include:
An assessment to determine individual personality type.
Visual presentation of the enneagram to aid understanding.
Worksheets to facilitate learning.
Opportunities to journal, self-reflect and interact.
Action learning