Life Coaching

People sign up for coaching if they find themselves in one or more of the following life situations:

  • You are facing a major life change (ie retirement, relocation, retrenchment, promotion, marriage.)
  • You are facing a challenge (ie starting a business, launching a project.)
  • You are in a demanding and stressful position (ie leading a business or organization and needing support and a sounding board.)
  • Things are going badly wrong (ie facing a business or marriage collapse, or financial stress, or life is spinning out of control.)
  • You have fallen into a slump (ie you have lost direction)
  • Life is confusing (ie you are at a loss to understand your drives, needs, what is sabotaging your success, what would enable you to succeed)
  • You are feeling isolated or are drifting in your leadership.

Coaching provides a safe, confidential place to download, to reflect on the path of life you’re on, where you’re headed, who you want to be and what you want to do.

Coaching encourages one to check out assumptions and limiting beliefs; to engage with your dream; to indulge in possibility thinking; to raise your standards and live purposefully.

Coaching requires a desire and a commitment to transform oneself – or one’s business – radically.

The coaching process will provide an opportunity to discover who you really are, to develop a game plan for the future, to set goals and objectives, to learn life skills to achieve these goals, and accountability to ensure eventual success.